Jewelry Photography - The base for each onlineshop are good product photos
Jewelry Photography probably belongs to the most difficult disciplines in photography at all
I want to report here our experiences on this topic. We started with a 50 camera BenQ DC and are currently using a Pentax K01. Was important to us in selecting the camera, that this also allows for the possibility of manual settings for exposure and aperture. The main problem with jewelry photography is to get depth of field and to photograph the object Full Frame. The camera must necessarily have a manual macro setting ie they must be able to take close-up. Unfortunately, there are no general settings, because the settings are always dependent on various factors.
1 The illumination
We made the experience that its spectrum daylight constantly changes due to clouds and different times of day. So we have daylight concerned similar lamps have a color temperature of about 6000 Kelvin. To avoid the shadows in the photo, it should be at least 2 lamps. We have a firm photographing built up space. The thus always the same light conditions allow then to the the respective camera settings to try, what settings are best suited.
2 The settings of the camera
The automatic digital cameras tend to be a balance between the object and the background to make, which then often the background in focus, but the object because it is small, partially blurred photographed. We have achieved with spot exposure to the object with aperture 11, macro setting for close-up and a distance of about 15-20 cm, the best results.
3. The Background
A reflection-free material the background is highly recommended. Styrofoam, for example, is refektionsfrei, but white. Well. There are refelection-free photo background papers to buy by the company Hama in different colors and sizes.
4 Follow-up work
We have now come to believe that there is no camera that can make first-class product photos without editing with a professional image editing program. That almost every picture on our website has been manually reworked with Photoshop Elements. The object from the background and then you can assign any background color or a gradient.
There are certainly many good image editing programs. Adobe Photoshop is certainly among the best, but there are also free programs such as Gimp that can provide similarly good results. Each of them requires a certain training period. I hope that we were able to give one or the other a little help with our experiences, but ultimately will each have to make his own experiences. On our website, Magic and Arts it is nice to see the development of the first images, up to those that have been made recently.