This workshop shows you how to create a necklace or bracelet easily
Workshop: Creating necklaces or bracelets
In this workshop we show you, how to create a necklace or bracelet easily.
You need the following tools:
- Jewelry wire, made of steel and Nylon coated
- beads and pendants
- 1 clasp with eye
- 2 crimp beads
- 1 small pliers with round tips
- 1 small cutting pliers
At first you move the beads on the stringing wire, the clasp, crimpbeads and roundpliers are ready to use. Take care for the stringing wire can be moved twiced through the holes of the last two beads..
Move the crimp bead and the clasp on the stringing wire. Take care for the clasp cannot slide over the clasp
Now you move the end of wire back through the crimp bead, so the clasp is hanging on the nowcreated loop.
![]() Step 3 Now you have to pull at the loose end of the wire, holding the clasp by your other hand. You don't need to draw to strong. If you do the necklace cannot lie loose enough. Also the loop in the eye should have 2mm free place.
![]() Step 4 Now you have to press the crimp bead strongly with the pliers. Take care not to slip off, because you could damage the stringing wire.
![]() Schritt 5 The result should look like on the picture.
![]() Schritt 6 By the end you move the loose end of the stringing wire back through the last both beads or more according to the size of the beads.
![]() Step 7 Now you have to take the cutter pliers and cut clean the rest of the stringing wire you don't need anymore. |
Now you have to do the same steps from 1-7 on the other side of the necklace for the ring