Information how to order in Magic and Arts Onlineshop
How to order
Dear Customers
Thank you for your interest in our products.
All items listed on our website are ready for immediate delivery. If you would like to place an order please proceed as follows:
First, select the item that you would like to order. A separate window will open with important product details including materials, size etc. Please enter the amount requested and select the option "in cart". You will then be able to see all items selected in your shopping basket.
Attention! If you put more items in your shopping basket than we currently have in stock, our shop software will automatically reduce your order amount to the amount of goods available! A message will pop up stating that only xxx amount of items selected are available. However, you have the option of letting us know if you request a large quantity of a particular item and we could possibly back-order the amount outstanding for you. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this back-order option.
Changing the amount in your shopping basket:
You can amend your shopping basket any time during your shopping experience with Magic and Arts, by deleting items or changing the order amount. Just open your cart to view your current selection. If you would like to delete any items, please click on the "wastebin symbol " below to the item. Conversely, if you'd like to order different amounts of items selected, simply change the amount in the "number" box, the cart change automatically.
Once you have finished shopping, please proceed to the checkout.
If you are already registered with us please log in with your e-mail address and password. If you order for the first time we would ask you to register with us first. All boxes marked with a red star are mandatory. It goes without saying that we treat all personal data entered confidentially and will not be passed onto third parties for advertising purposes. You can choose any password you wish. The password cannot be seen by us.
On the next page, your delivery option will be displayed. P&P for delivery within Europe is generally charged at Euro 8.50 (exceptions apply - please check our full conditions for shipping and returns) . If you reside in a country outside of Europe, please contact us for p&p charges to your country.
On the following page, you will be able to choose your desired payment option (bank transfer or credit cards through paypal). There you will also find a box for personal comments or questions. Please note that you can only complete the checkout by acknowledging our general Terms and Conditions. To acknowledge please select the little box underneath them.
On the final page you can check your order and, if necessary, amend it. Once you are happy with your order please click on the button buy. Dependend of your payment method you can set your payment numbers for CC and Debit Card if you have a german bank account. By using Papal you will be leaded to your Paypal account to confirm your Paypal payment. You will receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail immediately.
If you experience any problems when ordering, despite proceeding as described above, you can also use our order form by stipulating item numbers and amounts desired, and then email the form to us. In any case, please do not hesitate to use our CALL-ME-BACK service or to call us directly on 0049 2841 60 79 658.
We are looking forward to your custom.
A quick note on payment methods...
Recently, more and more customers have been unsure about the safety of using credit cards for online shopping. We have noticed that - probably because of internet fraud being on the increase - the number of customers choosing bank transfer as their preferred payment option has risen significantly.
So, how safe are the individual payment options at Magic and Arts?
Payment by Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer is the oldest payment option in internet shopping, and one of the safest. It is not possible for anyone to use someone else's bank account details unless they also have pin numbers, transaction numbers etc. for this account. So, in practice, this is a very safe option. Magic and Arts is a Trusted Shop certified onlineshop and all payments are secure.
Payment by Credit Card
Credit card payments are definitely one of the more flexible and safe options, despite the bad press they have recently been given. A merchant is only allowed to accept credit card payments after a thorough security check through their bank, including their financial history and proof of their business status not older than 6 weeks. Also, the merchant's website must have SSL-encryption installed for a bank to grant the use of credit cards.
In addition, it is the customer's right to cancel their credit card payment up to 4 weeks after the first payment without having to give any reasons for their cancellation. So, it is clearly in the best interest of the customer to use their credit card for payment, and merchants who offer credit card payments as one of their payment options can definitely be regarded as good business partners.
Also, most people don't know that merchants have to pay the so-called chargeback fees to their bank if a customer cancels their credit card payment (in our case 39.00 Euros). So, it is certainly in the merchant's best interest to avoid any problems and process orders to their customer's satisfaction.
Payment by Paypal and similar methods
Similarly to straight forward credit card payments, payment method Paypal is very advantageous for the customer. Payments are processed through an agent, and can be cancelled if need be. The agent, ie Paypal will check any claims and possibly refund any monies paid.
Payments by Paypal, Debit card or Credit Card are still the easiest and safest option. Debit payments are only available for bank accounts inside Germany. Please check your credit card statement to make sure that debits listed are correct - if not you will always have a fast and secure option to adjust incorrect payments.