Jewelry and Fashion Trends Spring - Summer 2008
The materials of the summer are scrutinised. On the catwalks one saw beside graphic printings, and many flower patterns, patchwork and Ethno kind of Prints, how Leo and zebra as well as batik and Ikat. Vintage look and Ethno, both moulder improved, play in this summer a big role. Sculpture custody falling materials partly with frills or capably laid folds stress the femininity. Beside white clear, bright colours dominate like Mint, turquoise, ocean blue, Mauve, Himbeer, Yellow and apple green. The combination of black, to white and often Yellow catches the eye. Know it is combined with white, gold, black or Nudefarben.
After a short overview of the most important trends with proposals to the suitable jewellery creation

Seventies to flared trousers with flighty blouse in the hippie look and waistcoat fit long chains - best of all immediately several amassedly - and Chandelier earring. Here no limits are set to your imagination.
Indian and Oriental Style
Orientate yourselves, e.g. in the topical patchwork look and you mix materials: Wooden pearls, glass pearls, stone pearls and metal pearls; even plastic is permitted. Indian and Oriental style this trend discovered often enough again is especially noble in this season. Tunics, caftans and Jodhpurhosen from softy falling precious materials work best of all with noble materials like (half a precious stone, silver, gold and bronze
Ethno Art
Ethno kind of traditional patterns of foreign cultures stamp this style. Here all countries are represented: African Prints with Leo and zebra patterns combined, batik and Ikatstoffe from Asia, north niche and South American Indian's motives, Maori and Aborigine symbols. The jewellery combinations are infinite: Wooden pearls and osseous pearls, feathers, turquoise and coral, silver, copper and bronze. The jewellery parts may be bigger quietly a little. Orientate yourselves by the traditional pieces of jewellery of the different people, also combinations are permitted. Kreolen, big followers and arm tyres fit to the topical Ethno look.
Safari of The safari look is stamped by physical-coloured materials, mostly of cotton or linen. Bright and dark khaki tones, Beige and white dominate as colours. Moreover fit of course all African styles. (Please you use wooden pearls and osseous pearls, zebra and leopard patterns, Tradebeads, fur pieces Imitate) and brass pearls. But the safari look also comes along nobly. Try once a combination of gold and pearls (drip) in the Victorian style as he was carried by the colonial ladies.
Ocean of blue tones in all colours of the ocean summers are pure! Different blue tones can be wonderfully combined with each other. Nothing looks more fresh and more alive than beaming blue or turquoise to browned skin! So that the jewellery also works, use best of all only clear tones. Here as a material glass beads offer in different forms and tones. As semiprecious stones turquoise, chalcedony and Lapislazuli are suited.
Know white is not quite unproblematic. It applies, is often transparent and becomes quickly dirty. A white outfit strikes in every case. Just, therefore, one needs a feeling for the right styling. In this summer the (not colour is clean, already almost sterilely completely without flourish. The jewellery can underline the look as a discreet design or pull the look at itself, however, as an Eyecatcher. Combined white turns white this summer with. Who would want a little change, carries accessories in black or gold in addition.