Infocentre Magic and Arts - Tips and instructions

In our infocentre our visitors find instructions and informations for crteating jewelry designs

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Beads are wonderful

Each bead has its own personal characteristics, their character. Just like anything in this world have beads their origin and history. If you can act pearls on and dealt with them, you can feel the character and appearance of a pearl. Some seem happy, others melancholy, some simple and some noble, no matter what material is a pearl.

Instructions for jewelry designs

We are always searching for instructions to show in our Info Center. Sure, some of our visitors in the manufacture of certain jewelry designs. We would appreciate if you could make this for this InfoCenter. In return, we awarded a gift voucher for our shop.

earring charms Go-gos

Wood beads and silver

Create nice ear jewelry fast and easy!
You need:

1 pair earhooks with loop
1 pair wooden Go-gos
2 headpins
1 jumpring
2 Spacers or Silver beads
1 plier

The ear hook can be bent by hand. The most difficult part in the production of earrings is the connection with a head pin between ear hook and napkin ring. Here you will find instructions code, how to turn a head pin an eye, or in this case, 2 eyelets. While it shows another motive, however, the technique is the same. With a little practice you jerk twitch a pair of new, modern earrings made of natural materials.