Leathercord 2mm pastellgreen metallic 10m

  • item not available
  • Item no.: lbg2000-10
  • Our price : 6,16 €
  • Base price: 0,62 € per m
  • including 19% VAT., plus shipping
  • Magic and Arts


10m bufflao leathercord in applegreen metallic,

Genuine buffalo leathercord, weak and affectionate in applegreen metallic. Metallic effects care for smooth and shiny leathercords. Attractive new colors for spring time jewelry designs. Metallic leathercords are available in gold, silver, copper, bronze anf this applegreen color. Create leathercord necklaces with leathercords matching to your actual beads colors. Leathercords wholesale for lower prices. The leather does not fade out.

Sizes: Ø 2mm, length 10m


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